Virus Expression Database


K1 and K15 of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus are functional homologues of latent membrane protein 2A of Epstein-Barr virus

Submitted by Dominik Lutter (Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany) on Jan 08 2014

Platform: microarray – [HuGene-1_0-st] Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]

Pubmed: 25948739

Summary LMP2A of Epstein-Barr virus is a receptor that mimics an activated B cell receptor, BCR. K1 and K15, related receptors of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus, KSHV, are expressed in virus-associated tumors but their functions are less obvious. We addressed this uncertainty with mutant EBVs encoding the KSHV genes K1 or K15 in lieu of LMP2A and infected primary human B cells with them. K1 and K15 encoded proteins appear to have noncomplementing redundant functions in this model but our findings suggest that both KSHV proteins can replace LMP2A’s key activities contributing to the survival, activation and proliferation of B cells.

16 Samples

ID Title Cell Type Timepoint Reported Virus Virus Species Exclusion Reason
GSM1303476 B-cell_wt_EBV_rep1 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV Human gammaherpesvirus 4
GSM1303477 B-cell_wt_EBV_rep2 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV Human gammaherpesvirus 4
GSM1303478 B-cell_wt_EBV_rep3 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV Human gammaherpesvirus 4
GSM1303479 B-cell_wt_EBV_rep4 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV Human gammaherpesvirus 4
GSM1303480 B-cell_LMP2A_EBV_rep1 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-dLMP2A Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with deleted LMP2A
GSM1303481 B-cell_LMP2A_EBV_rep2 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-dLMP2A Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with deleted LMP2A
GSM1303482 B-cell_LMP2A_EBV_rep3 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-dLMP2A Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with deleted LMP2A
GSM1303483 B-cell_LMP2A_EBV_rep4 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-dLMP2A Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with deleted LMP2A
GSM1303484 B-cell_K1_EBV_rep1 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K1 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K1
GSM1303485 B-cell_K1_EBV_rep2 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K1 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K1
GSM1303486 B-cell_K1_EBV_rep3 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K1 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K1
GSM1303487 B-cell_K1_EBV_rep4 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K1 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K1
GSM1303488 B-cell_K15_EBV_rep1 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K15 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K15
GSM1303489 B-cell_K15_EBV_rep2 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K15 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K15
GSM1303490 B-cell_K15_EBV_rep3 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K15 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K15
GSM1303491 B-cell_K15_EBV_rep4 B-lymphocyte  8 days EBV-K15 Human gammaherpesvirus 4 Extra interventions
EBV with KSHV K15